Year One:

Healthy Leaders
OCT 14 - 16

Dave Smith

We are thrilled to welcome you to KingsGate - especially if this is your first time.

Partnering for Purpose is a European Learning Community, hosted by KingsGate Community Church, in partnership with a number of key church networks.

The vision of our three-year journey together is to further equip leading churches across the UK and Europe to reach their nation(s) more effectively with the gospel of Jesus, through:

  1. Cross-network, peer-level learning.
  2. The building of greater levels of relational unity as a number of networks and independent churches come together for the greater cause of reaching their nation(s).

Over these next three years, we're going to be focusing on three key priorities:

Year 1 - Healthy Leaders

During this first year we will start with Healthy Leaders, because we know that healthy leaders produce healthy churches which can then impact their local communities and beyond. We will focus on developing our personal health and wellbeing, explore how we can build a healthier culture and healthier teams, and begin to look at effective ways to raise and release more healthy leaders.

Year 2 - Growing Churches

During our second year, as well as continuing to develop healthy leaders, the focus will shift to Growing Churches. We will learn from best practices for growing in fruitful evangelism, developing an effective discipleship pathway, and engaging our rapidly changing culture, especially through the lens of the next generation. Undergirding everything will be an emphasis on holding firm to being thoroughly Word-based and Spirit-empowered.

Year 3 - Kingdom Expansion

In the final year of our journey, we will work together to see an increase of Kingdom Expansion through mission and the multiplication of faith communities. We will explore models of multiplying disciples, leaders, missional communities, campuses/locations, church plants, as well as fresh expressions of church. We believe that together, along with a sovereign move of God, we can see significant Kingdom expansion into our nations.

For this first Healthy Leaders gathering, we have a range of fantastic speakers who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. As we come together, I know we are all eager to learn from each other and remain open to what God wants to say to us in this season.

Our team of facilitators really are some of the best, bringing valuable expertise to guide us through the next three years. Please take a moment to read about them. Geoff Surratt is heading up our facilitation team and brings years of experience in executive church leadership positions. He is playing a pivotal role in developing the programme and will be instrumental in guiding us through this journey.

As you go into your cohorts, it is my prayer that you will be open and honest with each other, and that the Spirit would guide you in the plans that you make, empowering you to see them successfully implemented for the transformation of many lives!

I look forward to joining with you on this journey.

Love and blessings,


Partnering Together

Church Networks we are partnering with....